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Send Plain Text


Swap the existing content between [ ] for whatever matches your scenario or need.


Send text messages using the same features as your device or web.

Data to be sent in the Request​

"number": "[remoteJid]",
"options": {
"delay": 1200,
"presence": "composing"
"textMessage": {
"text": "Plain text message, sent with the _Evolution-API_ πŸš€.\n\nHere you can send texts in *bold*, _italic_, ~strikethrough~ and `monospaced`.\n\nYou can also use any available emoticon on WhatsApp, like these examples below:\n\nπŸ˜‰πŸ€£πŸ€©πŸ€πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ™"

Data returned from the Request​

"key": {
"remoteJid": "[remoteJid]",
"fromMe": true,
"id": "BAE5B8BC84A484E3"
"message": {
"extendedTextMessage": {
"text": "Plain text message, sent with the _Evolution-API_ πŸš€.\n\nHere you can send texts in *bold*, _italic_, ~strikethrough~ and `monospaced`.\n\nYou can also use any available emoticon on WhatsApp, like these examples below:\n\nπŸ˜‰πŸ€£πŸ€©πŸ€πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ™"
"messageTimestamp": "1689604487",
"status": "PENDING"

Explanation of Parameters​

remoteJidRequiredEnter the remoteJid or groupJid to whom the message will be sent.

remoteJid = Number in DDI + DDD + Number format, with or without the ending.

Ex: 5511911111111 or

groupJid = Accepts the group identifier in hash format for new groups, or remoteJid + "-" + timestamp for old groups. In this cases, it is mandatory to inform the ending.

Ex: or
options.delayOptionalTime in milliseconds that the message must wait until it is sent, showing the presence information configured in the next item.
options.presenceOptionalThe "composing" content will make the message "typing" appear in the WhatsAppβ„’ top menu, during the time defined in the previous item.
textMessage.textRequiredInform the text of the message you want to send, being able to use the same resources you would use in the app or on the web, which are:

- Emojis
- Bold, enter *yourtext*
- Italics, between _yourtext_
- Scratched, come in ~yourtext~
- Monospace between ```yourtext```

To break a line, enter "\n" in the message.

Check the example in the payload for better understanding.

Every message sent by the Evolution API initially has the status PENDING.

This indicates that the sending was successful and the message is waiting for the following statuses, which will be sent to the MESSAGES_UPDATE Webhook.


It is extremely necessary that the payload obey the rules for creating a JSON file, considering the correct arrangement of items, formatting, square brackets, braces and commas, etc.

Before consuming the endpoint, if you have questions about the JSON formatting, go to and validate.